Lauren McKinney began his career in 2004, providing residential treatment for individuals and groups in recovery for substance use and co-occurring disorders at the Gaudenzia West Chester House facility located in Chester County, Pa.
Returning to Blair County in 2007, Lauren began providing treatment services for substance use, behavioral health, and co-occurring disorders through The Home Nursing Agency (currently UPMC Behavioral Health of the Alleghanies).
Upon earning Clinical Licensure in 2011, Lauren began working at The Primary Health Network in 2011 and has completed seventeen years of providing treatment for substance use, behavioral health, and co-occurring disorders in Community Health Centers.
Lauren received his Bachelor of Social Work Degree from Lock Haven University of Pennsylvania, his Master of Social Work degree from West Chester University of Pennsylvania, and his Doctorate degree in Psychology from The Graduate Theological Foundation, Sarasota, FL. Lauren continues to pursue his education with the goal of becoming an Academic Associate and Diplomate in Viktor Frankl's Logotherapy through The International Association of Logotherapy and Existential Analysis at the Viktor Frankl Institute Vienna, Austria.
Lauren received his Bachelor of Social Work Degree from Lock Haven University of Pennsylvania, his Master of Social Work degree from West Chester University of Pennsylvania, and his Doctorate degree in Psychology from The Graduate Theological Foundation, Sarasota, FL. Lauren continues to pursue his education with the goal of becoming an Academic Associate and Diplomate in Viktor Frankl's Logotherapy through The International Association of Logotherapy and Existential Analysis at the Viktor Frankl Institute Vienna, Austria.